BizzFactory your dreams

4 to 5 p.m.

*** Only for Seed Factory members ***

..we take everyone to live their dreams

Entrepreneurship is the foundation of economic and social progress. By generating wealth and employment, businesses underpin the well-being of our civilization and create the world of tomorrow. At es sense, we inspire entrepreneurs and business leaders to generate joy and results. And we help everyone live their dreams.

It's about creating, surpassing oneself, making possible ideas that others have considered utopian. But most people have this potential for involvement and success within themselves. Our job, at es sense, is to inspire you, to boost your entrepreneurial capacities, to accompany you... In short, to help you live your dreams!

Taking the plunge and setting up your own business is obviously a major step forward for anyone - the entrepreneur - who intends to put his or her energy at the service of both the well-being of society and their own self-fulfilment. But beware of resting on your laurels! Running a business is like tightrope walking: if you don't keep moving forward, you run the risk of falling! That's our second challenge at es sense, which involves transforming companies that work into companies that work!

Growth is a good thing, but it shouldn't always be an end in itself. Once you've reached a certain critical size, once you're at the head of a so-called "big company", the boss that you are (or will be) has to focus all his attention on a different challenge: that of constantly transforming his work tools, constantly adapting them to his environment. This is an art in its own right, which we have learned to master through experience. With es sense, give your (large) company a boost!

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