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from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

*** For Seed Factory members and their guests ***

How about a little Nudge to get things moving?

Date: 06/05/ 2021
Schedule: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Atrium - Seed Factory, Avenue des Volontaires, 19, 1160 Auderghem + video conference

Nudge means "a little nudge" to encourage us to make the right choices and adopt the right behaviors.

We're all full of good resolutions - to use our cars less, do more sport, eat a balanced diet - but in the end, do we really succeed?

Over the last 30 years, research in neuroscience and behavioral economics has focused on how our brains make decisions. Contrary to what everyone thought until recently, our choices are not as rational as we'd hoped, but rather influenced by cognitive biases, mental shortcuts, social or environmental context...

This is what Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman calls System 1, a rapid, unconscious decision-making system highly influenced by our emotions and housed in primitive parts of our brain.

Fortunately, our System 1 choices are nonetheless predictable! And that's precisely what the Nudge approach proposes: to understand and anticipate this brain that decides in "system 1" mode, so as to guide our behavior effectively but "gently".

Who is Arnaud Pêtre?
Trained as a psychologist and neuroscientist, Arnaud Pêtre spent almost 10 years researching the brain processes involved in decision-making at UCLouvain. A guest lecturer at various universities and HEC business schools, he specializes in nudges to bring about real changes in behavior.

Who is Océane Dousteyssier?
With a master's degree in social and work psychology and a passion for behavioral sciences and neuroscience, Océane is a trainer at Le petit coup de Nudge. Her knowledge of Nudge and engaging communication will enable her to help you implement concrete, effective actions.

After several years of teaching and lecturing about Nudge, Arnaud Pêtre decided to set up his own training organization. Faced with the ineffectiveness of covid-19 prevention campaigns, whose aim is to encourage safer behavior, Arnaud realized the need to share his knowledge of Nudge in order to encourage real behavioral change.

Why did you set up at Seed Factory?
We moved to the Seed Factory because it's a collaborative space that enables us to forge links and new partnerships with other co-workers. Working at the Seed Factory is all about innovation, exchange and interactivity, and that's what suits us best.

Further information: - Telephone: +32 491 74 52 26

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