House of Images


Whatever angle we look at the world from, whether human or technological, the path to our understanding is a labyrinth. Until recently, the world wasn't better or worse, it was simpler. Now that we've opened the door to complexity, the labyrinth expands and feeds on advances in understanding, taking us further away from the end every day.

Vanuit elke waarnemingshoek van de wereld, menselijk of technologisch, is de weg naar ons begrip een labyrint. Tot voor kort was de wereld niet beter of slechter, het was simpel. Nu we deur van complexiteit half hebben geopend, breidt het labyrint zich uit en voedt het zich met de voortgang van dit begrip door ons elke dag verder weg te brengen van de uitkomst ervan.

Whatever the angle from which we observe the world, whether human or technological, the path to our understanding is a labyrinth. Until recently, the world was neither better not worse, it was simple. Today, now that we have half-opened the door of complexity, the labyrinth is extending and feeding on the advances of this understanding by moving us further away from the exit every day.