You are currently viewing BeeBonds: the crowdlending platform that is spreading participative financing from Seed Factory

BeeBonds: the crowdlending platform that is spreading participative financing from Seed Factory

BeeBonds is a crowdlending platform based in Brussels. From its offices in the Seed Factory business center in Auderghem, BeeBonds launches participative financing campaigns that make citizen savings and company cash available for projects with a direct impact on the local economy. 

Crowdfunding: participative financing for businesses

Crowdfunding is the practice of soliciting the general public on the Internet to raise money to finance a business or project. The basic idea behind crowdfunding is to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people. 

BeeBonds is a crowdfunding platform approved by the FSMA (French Financial Services and Markets Authority).

The BeeBonds team: a diversity of talents 

BeeBonds team

Who is Joël Duysan, CEO and Founder of BeeBonds? 

Before launching BeeBonds, Joël Duysan had a long career in the stock market. 

The BeeBonds team 

The BeeBonds team brings together a range of complementary talents: 

  • Lydia Barcelona, COO 
  • Martin Polet, CTO  
  • John Van Lierde, Founding Partner
  • Tarik Hennen, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager
  • Pierre-Marie Sohoue, Financial Analyst 

What BeeBonds offers investors

Beebonds product

BeeBonds offers investors the opportunity to participate in crowdlending campaigns, starting with an investment of 1,000 euros. 

Since its incorporation in 2016, BeeBonds has raised over €30,000,000 in funding from its community of investors. 

Both private individuals and companies can take part in BeeBonds' participative financing campaigns (with a reported average return of 7.7% annual interest). Of course, like any investment, crowdlending involves risks. So be sure to consult the campaign information notes. 

How can I obtain financing from BeeBonds?

In a nutshell, BeeBonds enables companies to go public with loans ranging from 500,000 to 5 million euros. 

Applications can be submitted directly on the BeeBonds website. 

If your application meets the eligibility criteria, your project will be examined by a selection committee made up of independent experts. 

Successful applications are then the subject of a descriptive memorandum produced by Deloitte or PWC (and an information memorandum produced by Deloitte Legal). Once these documents have been made public, the crowdfunding campaign can begin.  

Discover the BeeBonds offices at Seed Factory 

Since 2018, BeeBonds has set up its offices in the Seed Factory business center. After starting out at Hive Five, Joël Duysan is delighted to be able to take advantage of the flexible office rental packages offered by Seed Factory. 

Given the team's growth, BeeBonds has already changed offices twice since moving into the business center. 

Seed Factory Ave. des Volontaires 19 Auderghem
Seed Factory

The premises are also appreciated for the pleasant atmosphere that reigns within the Seed Factory. 

BeeBonds' commitment to protecting bees and urban biodiversity

While corporate financing is the core business of the BeeBonds platform, one cause is also dear to the company's heart: the protection of bees and biodiversity in urban environments. 

For each crowdfunding campaign, BeeBonds finances a beehive in partnership with U Keepers beekeepers (urban beekeepers).

BeeBonds points out that :

"protecting bees is a major challenge for our planet. Bees are essential to maintaining biodiversity, which is why BeeBonds wants to do its part. Last but not least, the fascinating way in which beehives work is a perfect illustration of the model of solidarity and usefulness defended by BeeBonds in its approach to participative financing."

The hive and the bees

What's the best BeeBonds experience in the face of the crisis? 

Joel Duysan shared his experience with us: 

"With the crisis, companies' need for financing continues to grow, and fortunately, investor interest in participatory financing is following the same trend, enabling our alternative financing platform "BeeBonds" to raise over a million euros very quickly, and sometimes even within minutes. In partnership with PwC, we can offer citizens' savings to finance companies that were operating well before the health crisis, but have been severely affected in terms of cash flow by it."


Like BeeBonds, you want to rent an office in Auderghem? Find out more about the Seed Factory business center. Don't hesitate to arrange a visit with Edouard Cambier and his team by telephone or via their online form.

This article has 3 comments

  1. Edouard Cambier

    Very nice article and pleasant collaboration for 2 years 😉
    Thanks to the Beebonds team!

  2. Vanessa Dereymaeker

    A great team for interesting projects. A new way to invest your money and contribute to great projects.

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